
Library System Outage

Saturday 24 February 5pm to Sunday 25 February 5pm

Public Libraries Victoria have scheduled a system outage for important maintenance between Saturday 24 February 5pm and
Sunday 25 February 5pm.

This will affect how you use our services at Bunjil Place Library and Online (Connected Libraries Website and Connected Libraries App).

Online Impacts
(Saturday 24 February, 5pm – Sunday 25 February, 5pm)

  • Members will be unable to search our catalogue or place any requests.
  • Members will be unable to log into their accounts and will not be able to access loans or holds information.
  • Search, loans and holds information will be unavailable in the App.
  • Many Connected Libraries online resources will be unavailable during the outage. The exceptions are Kanopy, Busy Things and the in library use only services Find My Past and Ancestry.
  • Members will be able to view our events calendar but unable to book into events.

Bunjil Place Library Impacts
(Sunday 25 February, during library opening hours)

  • Existing members CAN borrow items, members must have their physical library card with them.
  • Members CAN return items (Returns will not be processed until the system is working on Monday 26 February, so please expect a delay on returns coming off your card).
  • Free Wi-Fi CAN be accessed.
  • Library Staff CAN NOT access item or member records. This means we CAN NOT search for items, place holds, view members loans, process renewals or sign up new members.
  • Members CAN NOT use Public PCs, printing, photocopying and scanning.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Please call the library on 1800 577 548 if you have any questions or follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates.